About Gillian
Gillian Knows Dogs
With her love of public speaking and public education, along with a recognized tell-it-like-it is style, Gillian’s passion is evident. Working to educate her clients through via the magic of Zoom, Puppy training and consultations are far reaching, especially in the Durham region, including Ajax, Whitby, Brooklin, Pickering, Oshawa & Scarborough.

My Service
I can help
Has puppy nipping, biting, barking, chewing and that pesky house training got you frustrated?
We can help. A Zoom consult will cover all your main areas of concern and avoid issues in the future. Effective and affordable.

In the Media
There is Simply No Substitute For Experience
Gillian’s media experience is extensive. Her knowledge, combined with her ability to connect to her audience whether it be in person, in writing or through the magic of television, is held in high regard with her clients and colleagues alike.

My Approach
Positive Doesn’t Mean Permissive
Remember that having a dog is supposed to be fun, so it is fine to laugh, joke and treat your dog while you are teaching them. Can it be frustrating? Yes, but then you need a proper plan to help set up your relationship with your pup for life.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what does that say about video?
We have had the opportunity to participate in many videos, TV shows and advertising campaigns over the years.Here is Gillian, featured in training clips for Redstone Media, an interview for Talent Hounds, and a TV pilot promo….enjoy!